Paleo Vegan Chocolate Almond Cookie Bars

  So, I made these and they are really, really good. That’s all I’ve got today because it’s Friday and school is out for the summer and it’s time for me to do something other than sit in front of a screen. Who am I kidding? I’m going to hide from my kids in aContinue reading “Paleo Vegan Chocolate Almond Cookie Bars”

The Easiest Blackberry Pie on Shortbread Crust

My 11 year old son and I went out early yesterday morning and picked blackberries for about a half an hour. It had recently rained for the first time in over a month. Seattle’s weather has been unusually hot and dry this summer, and the berries are reflecting this. My dad is a famous berryContinue reading “The Easiest Blackberry Pie on Shortbread Crust”